How to get started with weight loss

Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States alone. To say that weight loss is on almost everyone’s mind is an understatement, to say the least. From vanity to a real health concern, it’s rare to find anyone happy with their current weight. When it comes to weight loss as a means to a healthier body and lifestyle, there are many ways in which a doctor can help you get started on your weight loss journey.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the largest contributing factors to obesity and weight gain. Unfortunately, so much of modern life is geared towards sitting. This is especially true If you work an office job that requires sitting in front of a computer all day, only to come home and watch T.V., read or play video games. Despite all adults knowing this lifestyle isn’t healthy and can lead to a number of health problems beyond weight gain, it can seem extremely daunting to shake up the ebb and flow of your daily schedule.

Luckily, the best way to make lasting, effective and permanent changes is to take small steps by setting little, easily-accomplished goals. If you try to change everything at once and attempt to go from sedentary to exercising everyday, you’ll more than likely fail. This will just lead to discouragement, despondency and eventually, acceptance of your continued weight gain.

Instead of getting into the cycle of motivation-overreaction-defeat, start by making a small, everyday change. This can look as simple as parking at the back of your parking lot at work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or getting up and doing a lap around the office once an hour. After that small change becomes a habit, add another small movement goal to your daily schedule. Eventually, you will be hitting your step goal and be ready (and confident) to take a bigger step by implementing an exercise program. There are many great programs online if joining a gym isn’t appealing. The overall goal is to get 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every week. That’s only about 20 minutes a day or three 45 minute workouts.

The next most influential area of your life that contributes to weight gain is your diet. Again, take small steps at first; going from fast food to paleo is going to set you up to fail. Start with a small goal that is easy to complete like changing that afternoon snack from a bag of chips to baked instead. Or switch from the calorie-heavy latte topped in whipped cream and syrup to a 2% milk latte with sugar-free sweetener. Keep adding small steps and easy goals. The end goal is to eat a balanced diet, with an emphasis on homemade, whole foods full of protein and fiber to keep you full and satisfied. You don’t have to give up all the goodies, just keep them as an occasional treat, not an everyday habit.

Whether you are starting with exercise or diet, the most important thing to do is to make small, easy do-able goals. The continued experience of accomplishing these small, but important, goals will keep you motivated and optimistic about weight loss. A positive, confident mindset is arguably the most important thing to cultivate during the start of your weightloss journey.

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About me

Dr. Hope Watts

Dr Hope Watts is a board-certified family physician , and she is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice. In her many years of practice, she has coached many patients who have reached their weight loss goals. She has also advised them in making better decisions for their lifestyle and for their health.

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